Wags - Wrist Assured Gloves
A contoured, gel wedge is inserted in the palm of WAGs. This reduces the extreme angle at the wrist and distributes pressure evenly across the palm to off load the joint and ease the strain.
WAGs Ultra Gloves
4 Colours Available
WAGs Gloves (Wrist Assured Gloves) are a new revolutionary sports glove specifically made for those who suffer pain or discomfort in their hands, wrists or fingers when exercising. WAGs - ULTRA (Wrist Assured Gloves) is your style if you want the...
WAGs PRO Gloves
5 Colours Available
WAGs Gloves (Wrist Assured Gloves) are a new revolutionary sports glove specifically made for those who suffer pain or discomfort in their hands, wrists or fingers when exercising. WAGs - PRO has the same ergonomic gel pad as the Ultra, so...
WAGs Flex Grip Gloves
4 Colours Available
WAGs - Flex (Wrist Assured Gloves) has a slimmed down wedged gel pad for a versatile work out glove to ease or prevent wrist discomfort. The shorter Flex pad allows for more palm contact when weight bearing or grasping equipment. With...